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15 Steps to Happy PregnancyFebruary 07, 2019

Pregnancy is the most beautiful period in a woman’s life. Once you know you are pregnant, you are full of joy, hope & anxiety. People shower you with blessings, advices & that extra attention that makes you feel special. The little things like people giving you their seats or making way for you, wishing you well all will bring a smile on your pregnant face.

Keeping yourself happy during all the 3 trimesters is your choice. Science has backed the old pregnancy saying : Happy pregnant women are more likely to deliver a healthy baby. It is essential to be happy & feel joyful while pregnant, as your emotional well-being directly affects baby’s neurological & psychological development.

But, how to be happy during pregnancy? We know that pregnancy hormones can wreak havoc on the mind. We know that you may not be in the same situation when compared to your last pregnancy. We understand that every pregnant woman is different and they need not always be happy ones all the time. But you are the best judge for your pregnancy moods and you know what suits you best. Here are some tips to help you have a happy pregnancy in Ernakulam.

1. Take Each Day as It Comes

You should always live in the moment and focus on the baby. This helps deal with the situation at hand rather than non-existent problems. The nausea of the first 3 months of pregnancy will fade and you will probably laugh thinking about it later in your pregnancy as you have food cravings in the middle of the night. Keeping the focus on happiness during this time helps you take on all the struggles that come up during this phase.

2. Healthy Lifestyle

As the pregnancy progresses, you will begin to experience lethargy and fatigue due to the physical and hormonal changes which take place. Unavoidable as these changes may be, remember to make yourself prepared for this. They to a happy pregnancy is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This can be in the form of exercising (with your doctor’s permission), eating right and being mentally alert. All these should be incorporated into your lifestyle as it will impact the development of the baby positively. A healthy and wholesome diet will provide you with energy (physical & emotional) you require during this crucial time. Read our blog on healthy eating here.

3. Practice Meditation & Yoga to Keep Away from Negativity

We all know meditation relaxes the mind. And Yoga works wonderfully for the mind, body and spirit. If you are allowed to do Yoga, try it under supervision. Do meditation sessions to relax your body. The effect of these practices is bound to make you feel rejuvenated, stronger and happier. Breathing exercises will flush out the inner baggage and help keep the mind away from negative thoughts, words and actions.

4. Write a Journal

This is an exciting phase of any woman’s life. Recording your emotional roller ride, the first kicks, scan images, will definitely bring a smile on your face later. Either you can write it down in a diary or go the more popular route of making short videos of everyday. Many women write blogs or do vlogs to chronicle their journey. If you have already chosen a name for your child, writing him or her emails about your pregnancy and later, the milestones in life will be something your child will cherish.

5. Be Involved in Preparations for the Arrival of your Baby

Onesies, baby bags nursery decor, or just buying things you may need when the baby arrives - The activities which are carried on during this phase should be relished. Don’t let this shopping stress you out. Babies grow fast in their first year. So do your baby shopping with that in mind. Always keep in mind that the baby just needs basics like food, shelter, clothes and diapers. If you are pregnant after a miscarriage or losing a child doing this preparation should excite you as you wait for the arrival of the baby.

6. Pamper Yourself

This time is perfect to indulge in pampering yourself. You should enjoy spas and massages, get pedicures and other body massages, etc. It will bring you immense pleasure during the pregnancy. However, make sure you have your gynaecologist’s permission before any treatments you indulge in are safe during pregnancy.

7. Delegate Work

When you include your partner, other family members and friends in your pregnancy, it helps them understand what you are going through so they can be more understanding and supportive. It is essential that you ask for help wherever required and starts delegating work to your family members in order to focus more on your health and the arrival of the baby.

8. Read Up and Stay Self-informed

Reading about pregnancy, the various stages and changes that it will be bringing to your life will make it easier for you to cope with your pregnancy as you will know what to expect.

9. Prepare for Parenting

Take this time to educate yourself about parenting. Motherhood is a rewarding experience, but only for those who are mentally prepared and aware of the challenges. Research, read books, spend time with experts and other mothers. You will feel a sense of growing satisfaction and happiness in knowing that you’re better prepared for the future. The best part about reading material on parenting is that it diverts your mind towards imagining what your unborn child might be like. This is the best time to improve your communication with your parents and in laws. Sharing their understanding of how they brought up their kids is sure going to prove helpful. Their experience will also shed light on how they handled situations and knowing what you or your spouse did during childhood will tell you what to expect of your baby.

10. Make Time to Connect with your Baby

As the baby grows within you, there is a bond which develops between you and the baby. You can make a daily ritual of singing to the baby, talk to the baby, breathe and connect with the baby.

11. Go With the Flow

You would have thought about where and how you want to go in for labour. However, it may not work out the way exactly you had planned. Your approach should be flexible, prepare yourself for all kinds of possibilities and keep an open mind.

12. Evaluate your Life

With changing times, your priorities in life also shift. It is important that you indulge in soul searching and evaluate your life to better adjust to the changes you’re currently facing and will be facing in your future.

13. Spice Up Your Sex Life

Along with being an important phase of your relationship,pregnancy is also a time to enjoy your body. Your hormones change and senses are heightened. So, it is a great time to get creative and enjoy your sex life for a positive impact on your mental health. Generally sex during pregnancy is safe. However, ask your doctor which positions are safe.

14. Make New Friends

You may check with your hospital or community centre to interact with other pregnant women to share experiences with them and make new friends who are going through or have gone through the same phase in life for a feeling of belonging.

15. Be Money Wise and Health Wise

Plan for your finances in advance. Once the baby arrives there will be a shift in expenses and your worry might increase as your due date comes closer, resulting in a feeling of negativity. This is a time when you should try and aim for a systematic weight gain so as to avoid growing negativity towards your body. If you are overweight or have a pre-existing medical condition such as thyroid or diabetes then you should consult your doctor immediately and address these. This will ensure that the baby is born healthy as well.

Life Maid Easy Editorial Team